Unveiling Santa's Secret Life in UAE

Santa's Secret Life in the United Arab Emirates Every year, Christmas is a special time filled with joy, gifts, and surprises. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), this period can be even more special, thanks to professional Santas who ensure the magic reaches both children and adults. But what is the hidden side of Santa's life? What lies behind the red suit and white beard? [Santa in Person: Stephen Hicks' Story] Stephen Hicks, the professional "man in the red suit," has been delighting young and old alike for over 15 years, participating in various events as Santa. During a Google Meet conversation, Hicks joined in as Santa, with a wide smile on his face, to share what this special role means to him. "It's my personal mission to bring as much joy and happiness as possible during the holiday season," he shared. Over his career, Hicks has participated in approximately 1,000 events, although he believes the number is actually much higher – as many as 3,000. These events include family home visits, where he meets families in an intimate setting, as well as large corporate events with huge crowds waiting. [The Challenges and Joys of Being Santa] Being Santa is about much more than handing out gifts and saying "Ho-ho-ho." According to Hicks, the biggest challenge is making every encounter personal and special. "The children come back year after year and remember you. It's important to always stay genuine and recreate that magical moment over and over again," he said. Another part of the experience involves managing different expectations from children and parents. Some kids are shy, while others flood Santa with questions – such as how he manages to visit every house in one night. Hicks says he handles such questions with humor and imagination, as these moments are what truly make his work special. [Festive Magic in the UAE] The UAE is a unique location for Santas, as the country is where many cultures and traditions meet. During the holiday season, Santa can appear everywhere from shopping malls to private villas, bringing the festive atmosphere. The desert environment presents a unique challenge: "The Santa suit is warm, and outdoor events sometimes require real heroic efforts to stay authentic," Hicks shared. Playing Santa in the UAE requires a great deal of multicultural sensitivity. Children and families come from different backgrounds, so Hicks strives to make a personal connection with everyone. This attentiveness is why people return to him and why so many families insist on having him be the star of their holidays. [The Highlight of the Festive Season] For Hicks, the highlight of the Christmas season is not the number of events but those moments when he sees the genuine joy and belief on the children's faces. "When a child asks if I remember them from last year and sees that I do, that simply makes it all worthwhile," he said. Being a Santa in the UAE is not just a role but a mission to bring joy, hope, and magic to a desert setting where Christmas shines with special colors and moods.