Dubai Students Spread Ramadan Spirit with Acts of Kindness

More than 300 Students Help Serve Iftar to Workers in Dubai
The spirit of Ramadan is not just about fasting and prayer but also about selfless giving, simplicity, and humility. This message was brought to life through an inspiring initiative involving over 300 school students who participated in serving Iftar to workers in Dubai. The event, organized under the 'Let’s Walk Again' campaign, not only distributed food but also imparted values to the younger generation.
The Heart of the Initiative: Giving and Unity
The 'Let’s Walk Again' campaign aims to instill values such as giving, simplicity, and humility in children. Students from various schools in Dubai came together to assist workers who play an indispensable role in the city's development. At the Sajja Labour Park in Sharjah, thousands of workers received meals, but the day encompassed more than just food distribution. The students engaged in conversations with the workers, learning about their hardships and directly experiencing the impact of a little attention and kindness.
From the Students' Perspective
Many participating students shared their experiences, making it clear that the day was unforgettable, not only for the workers but also for the children. A third-grade student who took part in the program stated, “I was very excited to come here and help the workers. I'm always taught to share what I have and be kind, but today I truly got to do that. It makes me happy.”
A fifth-grade student highlighted that the experience helped them understand the real significance of the values learned at school: “We learn about kindness and giving at school, but here we put that knowledge into practice. It feels amazing to help the community.”
The Intent Behind the Initiative
The organizer behind the program emphasized that the children's participation is not just about distributing food. “We want children to develop the habit of giving. They are our future, and the world needs such practices to live in harmony. When they connect with these workers, they realize the importance of humility and gratitude.”
Direct experience plays a significant role in the children's development. “This program isn’t just about food distribution. It’s about making connections with others, understanding their difficulties, and spreading kindness. I hope more schools and parents encourage students to get involved in similar activities.”
The Connection Between Workers and Students
Many students found the conversations with the workers deeply impactful. A seventh-grade student mentioned that the workers’ stories were truly inspiring: “I talked to some of them, and their stories really touched me. They work hard to earn money for their families. It made me realize how grateful we can be for what we have.”
The students not only gave but also received. The smiles and grateful words from the workers reminded them that true strength lies in humility.
Teachers' Opinions
The teachers accompanying the students also spoke with admiration for the children's commitment. One teacher highlighted the powerful impact the event had on the students: “Students aren’t used to giving in this way, but today they stepped out of their comfort zones. This experience gave them lifelong values like empathy and generosity.”
The teacher added that the United Arab Emirates has always promoted the spirit of unity and support, and the students now put this spirit into practice.
The Hope for the Future
The event not only lasted for a day but had a lasting impact on both the students and the workers. Many of the children stated that they would like to participate in similar initiatives again. “I would love to do this again. It makes me happy to volunteer for such a cause.”
This program not only distributed food but also spread hope and joy. It reminds us all that small acts can bring about significant change, and that each of us can do something to make the world a slightly better place.
Thus, the spirit of Ramadan is not only about fasting but also about coming together and doing for one another. And as the students experienced, giving not only aids those who receive but also those who give.