Dubai Police's Eid Safety Preparations

Dubai Police Prepare for Safety During Eid Al Fitr
The last 10 days of Ramadan are a time of prayer and long congregational prayers for Muslims, during which crowds gather in mosques. Accordingly, the Dubai police are already preparing to ensure the smooth flow of traffic and to prevent congestion and undesirable behaviors. The Dubai Events Security Committee has placed a special emphasis on providing all necessary conveniences for road users, including traffic regulation, parking space organization, and safe arrival and departure of worshipers.
Dubai police leaders highlighted that during the last 10 days of Ramadan and the Eid Al Fitr holiday, it is especially important to adhere to traffic regulations. Worshippers are urged to avoid random parking in front of mosques, particularly during Tarawih and Qiyam Al Layl prayers. These prayers are long, and many people attend mosques, often leading to traffic congestion and disturbances. Police noted that in previous years, worshippers often parked improperly, obstructing the movement of other vehicles, or even completely blocking road exits.
The chairman of the Dubai Events Security Committee, who is also the deputy head of operations at the Dubai police, stressed that improper parking and road blockages not only hinder traffic but also infringe on the rights of others. For example, there were instances where individuals left their vehicles in the middle of the road for hours while praying in the mosque, disregarding that others might also want to use the roads. Additionally, some stood on sidewalks, distorting the city's appearance or their negative behavior hindered traffic, forcing other drivers to wait for hours or even seek police assistance.
Police stressed that blocking roads in front of mosques can be particularly problematic if these mosques are located in residential areas or near main roads. This not only disrupts traffic but also endangers transportation safety. Accordingly, the police are implementing more intensive traffic controls during Ramadan prayers, especially around mosques. Traffic officers are tasked with ensuring road safety and smooth traffic flow and will strictly address any violations.
The Dubai police's message is clear: everyone must adhere to traffic rules and respect others' rights. The holy period of Ramadan and the Eid Al Fitr holiday is not only a time for prayer and community coming together, but also a period for responsible behavior and mutual respect. The police will use all means to ensure this period is safe and comfortable for everyone, but public cooperation is essential.
The goal of the Dubai authorities is to ensure that during the last 10 days of Ramadan and the Eid Al Fitr holiday everyone can pray without disturbance, while city traffic operates smoothly. This task can only be solved with joint effort, so worshippers and the public are repeatedly urged to help the police work by complying with traffic rules and exhibiting responsible behavior.