Balancing Gym Etiquette and Social Media

Selfies and Filming at the Gym: Etiquette Evolving
With the spread of social media and influencer culture, documenting and sharing every activity with the world has become increasingly common. This trend has not bypassed the world of gyms either. A recent survey conducted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) highlighted that a majority of gym-goers would support a complete ban on taking selfies and videos in gyms. According to the research, 61% of respondents believe that taking recordings for social media does not align with the purpose of working out. Interestingly, more than 80% of those surveyed admitted to having taken pictures or videos themselves in the gym.
Biggest Annoyances: TikTok Videos and Loud Phone Calls
The survey also asked participants about what irritates them most during workouts. The two biggest annoyances were making TikTok videos and loud phone conversations, both mentioned by 40% of respondents. Additionally, 30% found it annoying when someone only takes a selfie in the gym and leaves without actually working out. According to the survey, 27% generally dislike when people take selfies at the gym, while 23% find it disruptive to see fitness influencers in the gym.
Privacy Protection and Social Media Influence
In the UAE, laws already exist to protect people's privacy. According to Article 44 of the Cyber Law, recording others without permission in public or private places is prohibited, and this can lead to penalties. A regular gym-goer expressed that while they find others’ fitness journeys on social media inspiring, the spread of influencer culture can become concerning.
"What kind of society are we building if the main goal is to be seen, and not to be ourselves? Is there anything left that we do purely for joy and personal growth, without thinking about an audience?" – asked a regular gym-goer.
Gym Etiquette Basics
Gym etiquette not only includes the correct use of equipment but also taking into consideration others' needs and comfort. A personal trainer explained that they often encounter people taking selfies or filming in the gym. According to the trainer, not everyone wants to appear in the background of someone else's video, so they would support a ban on such recordings.
From the perspective of gym etiquette, it's important to ask others for permission before taking recordings. A positive example was noted when a girl filming herself while working out politely asked the man training next to her if he minded being in the video. If the man had been uncomfortable, the girl was ready to stop recording. This courtesy and respect for others would be the ideal approach.
The Positive Effects of Social Media
While taking recordings can often be distracting, fitness content shared on social media can have positive effects as well. A personal trainer mentioned that they sometimes share their pre or post-workout status on social media, and once a follower said that it inspired them to start their own fitness journey. "So there are positives in motivating others or encouraging any form of discipline," they stated.
Respecting Shared Spaces
Another regular gym-goer expressed support for banning recordings in the gym. They often encounter fitness influencers in the gym, which they find uncomfortable as they feel they could end up in someone’s social media post’s background. For them, gym etiquette is about not delaying others from using equipment and ensuring that the space is clear of others before making recordings. Additionally, it's important to leave the space as clean as it was found.
The impact of social media and influencer culture is increasingly felt in gyms. While sharing fitness content can be inspiring, it’s important not to forget the respect for others and the basic rules of gym etiquette. The prohibition of taking recordings and selfies not only serves to protect privacy but also ensures that the gym remains a place for exercise and personal growth where everyone can feel comfortable.